Wrapped up work on 'Nod Away, Volume II' for the year. Ended up stopping in the middle of a pretty violent sequence that I'm tempted to see through to completion so it's not nagging at me over the holiday, but I need to spend the last week of the year taking care of all of the stuff I neglected throughout the other fifty-one. Also need to start preparing for the move to the new studio. Ending on a violent note seems fitting for 2017 anyway, I guess.
As far as progress on NAV2 goes, it's slow-going, but it's going. I'm also working on the design and a bonus comic for next year's 'Skyscrapers of the Midwest' ten year special addition, and another project (that I mentioned on a social media post a few months back but decided to delete and sit on until there's more progress to report) that's taking up 75% of my headspace, so I'm not able to spend as much time on the book on a weekly basis as I did with V1. I have about 150 pages penciled for NAV2, 70 of those inked. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your POV), that means I'm only halfway to completion since V2 is looking like it will have a higher page count than V1 (I'm estimating around 300 at the moment). I was originally hoping for a 2018 release, but I can't imagine that being a realistic goal, at the moment anyway. Just too much happening, personally and professionally. But it's getting there. And it will get there. I may be sixty-five before the series is complete, but it'll happen. I'm tenacious. To a fault.
Thanks for reading. Have a safe holiday and, hopefully, a less soul-crushing new year.
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